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Free Mindset Checklist

Cairns & Lyons Press

Dr. Scott's Spiritual Books


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Let me share in your story so I can show you how to truly mind reset...dr scott to change

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S01E01: John Doe:"How To Build A 6-Figure Business Now!"

Buy Now — $4.99

S01E02: Illyana Kosovo:"7-Figures and How To Scale"

Buy Now — $4.99

S01E03: Jamie Corbin:"Scaling for Boss Babes"

Buy Now — $4.99

S01E01: John Doe:"How To Build A 6-Figure Business Now!"

Buy Now — $4.99

S01E02: Illyana Kosovo:"7-Figures and How To Scale"

Buy Now — $4.99

S01E03: Jamie Corbin:"Scaling for Boss Babes"

Buy Now — $4.99

Download Your Free Mindset Checklist

Where do you stand in the crossroads of your own business?


Discovery | Mindful Notes | Reclaiming


In these recorded sessions, I get to discover more about the group and why you think the way you do. Everyone collaborates and gets the feel of opening up in front of a crowd without judgment or conclusions.


Thoughtful 30-minute mindset notes from me that reposition your thinking about business, making money and value-based propositions. This helps your subconscious to "rewire" itself to a better way of thinking.


This is the step where I challenge you reclaim your mindset so you're always ready to take on new challenges and win the day.


Step 1: Discovery

Purchase Now — $27.99

Step 2: Mindfulness

Purchase Now — $27.99

Step 3: Reclamation

Purchase Now — $27.99

Download Your Free Mindset Checklist

Where do you stand in the crossroads of your own business?

Terms of Use

Your Agreement | FAQs 

Your Agreement

You agree to follow to the letter, all of Dr. Scott's directions in his courses, videos, books etc. This may ensure a better success rate for you. Although, Dr. Scott makes no guarantees. You also agree that you will approach his work with an open mind, an open heart that you have faith and trust that the techniques can work for you. You commit to doing the practices every day as exactly as directed. You also agree not to share or disseminate Dr. Scott materials as well as any & all materials and techniques and music etc. written by Dr. Scott and used in the Dr. Scott Method. You also agree not to share your password with anyone. I can work out a friends and family discount just get in touch with me at: [email protected]


Q: Can I teach or share any of the Dr. Scott Method Techniques?

A: No, you may not without the express written permission of Dr. Scott. Dr. Scott’s techniques, and his doctor Scott method, are all proprietary and are his intellectual property that are a result of a lifetime’s of work. Anyone who violates this will receive a cease-and-desist letter from Dr. Scott's attorney. Please send him an email with any questions: [email protected]

Q: Can I teach the Dr. Scott Method Techniques?

A: No, only if you have been trained by Dr. Scott personally. If you are interested in teaching Dr. Scott’s Techniques he does provide a one to one training that is reasonably priced and more affordable than his one to one coaching. Please send him an email with any questions: [email protected]

Dr. Scott Thomas Cairns - Spiritual Adviser

Copyright © 2021 Amelia Kohset. All rights reserved.